
Ozeol aims to shift into becoming a greener corporate and is launching the new Ozeol Green project slogan โ€œChoose waste-free, Choose Ozeolโ€ which is part of their green project.

Our business activities help suppliers to reduce the environmental impact by eliminating wastage and burning of stock, which in turn can be included as part of their CSR objectives. By choosing Ozeol, your excess stock doesnโ€™t have to be burned, a common practice that causes a lot of damage to the earth as harmful chemicals are used in the process. Ozeol chooses renewal of resources versus destruction.

The Ozeol team has gathered and harmonized their ideas on how to go green. Some of the green project initiatives will include reducing wasteful packaging to eliminate harmful environmental impacts, and the usage of plastic at the office, along with creating awareness on how to help in protecting our earth and reducing carbon footprint.

So, what exactly does the Ozeol Green project imply?

It is about caring about the environment, offering solutions, and taking a stand to make a change while understanding how to reduce our carbon footprint. We want our clients and team to benefit from eco-friendly decisions.

Being green is not only a vision but also a long-term path where each small step is essential.

What impact does excess inventory have on the environment?

Excess inventory has a significant impact not only on a company’s bottom line but also on the environment. Climate change awareness has shifted the focus of retailers and their customers to sustainability.

Businesses have an added incentive to manage the environmental impact of their excess inventory from both a reputational and an ethical standpoint, with two-thirds of consumers admitting to boycotting brands that do not share their personal beliefs. Customers are more likely to return to a company that actively works to account for and reduce its environmental impact. To do so, brands must first identify the environmental risks associated with the excess inventory problem in their industry.

All too often, businesses dispose of excess inventory in a landfill. Fast fashion is a well-known example. When on-trend outfits go out of style, brands face the challenge of using valuable resources to move or store them. Instead, they are commonly disposed of by businesses. In fact, as much as 85% of excess inventory in the fashion industry is either dumped in landfills or burned.

Garbage frequently makes its way to the ocean after being dumped, causing problems for the marine ecosystem. For example, marine animals become ill after eating plastic waste, and they can die of starvation if their digestive systems are clogged with plastic.

Heavy metals from electronics, such as lead and mercury, can also leach into landfills and oceans, poisoning animals. Heavy metals can even contaminate human drinking water or food sources in some cases.

When businesses do not dump their excess goods in landfills, they are sometimes forced to destroy them. This is common when perishable food items end their shelf life. Brands destroy goods at this point because they can no longer sell or donate them.

Unfortunately, before the goods reach consumers, businesses frequently destroy their inventory in hazardous ways, such as by burning it. This emits harmful carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, which has long-term consequences for human health and climate change.

In other cases, businesses may destroy excess inventory simply instead of renewing it to maintain brand exclusivity. Burberry, for example, reportedly burned millions of dollars worth of bags and apparel a few years ago to keep its brand from being diluted.

Even if brands do not dump or destroy their products, supply chain issues may cause environmental damage.

Excessive emissions from trucks, ships, rail, and planes result from inefficient transportation of excess goods. Brands and retailers, for example, struggle to maximize truck capacity when transporting excess goods. They may send out half-empty trucks or fail to plan for the trucks’ return trips.

Inadequate transportation optimization can result in increased fuel consumption and higher greenhouse gas emissions.

Data can be used to improve truckload management, transportation, and logistics, just as it can improve inventory management by predicting customer demand and more effectively managing and selling excess goods.

Unsold item solutions

Excess inventory in any industry can be reduced by implementing the right inventory technology, allowing for more effective supply chain management, cost savings, waste reduction, and a lower overall carbon footprint. This allows for a renewal of resources and a less harmful environmental impact.

With a centralized system of record, brands can gain greater visibility over all of their inventory and access historical data on past performance. Brands can gain data-driven insights that lead to more effective go-to-market strategies, allowing them to optimize excess inventory in a sustainable manner, by using this data.

Companies can also use stock solution services like Ozeol. Ozeol, a global supplier of B2B products, has been providing global stock solutions since 2010.

Ozeol enables you to quickly sell your inventory, lowering storage costs. Some of our experts have over 20 years of experience in global production business solutions.

We operate on a global scale to identify surplus finished product stock such as the end of the collection, changes in packaging, surplus stock, canceled orders, 2nd choice, and so on.

We have gone to great lengths over the last ten years to achieve our goal of providing you with the best solutions for your stock concerns. Ozeol now has over 200 employees as a result of its employees’ courage in taking a global perspective and pursuing what others would call “unrealistic ambitions.”

Our vision from the green project

We are proud to be a worldwide company with 8 offices and over 500 employees. We are striving to reduce harmful environmental impacts by taking small steps in our daily lives, from our employees to our customer’s warehouses. Ozeol wants to lead by example which is why we are launching multiple campaigns to promote eco-friendly solutions to reduce the harmful impacts on the environment. We want to set the standard for the entire industry by going green. Pepsi, for example, devotes significant space on its website to chronicling its journey toward sustainability. To remain competitive, other beverage bottlers must follow suit.

In the ongoing fight for sustainability, we want to establish ourselves as thought leaders.
